Hey everyone - just wanted to let you know that the baby has decided to stay where he is at a while longer. Been doing lots of walking and driving down bumpy roads, but he is taking his sweet time. Keep your fingers crossed that he comes soon...we're ready!
He'll come when he's ready. my second one was the only one that came naturally, and she was 5 days late. So, I hope you're doing 'everything' the dr. tells you will help speed things up. Let me know if you need anyone to talk to, i.e. complain to. :o) I've been there!!
Dang it! Maybe he will start a new trend and be born on the 20th...then the second on the 21st and so on???? For the second generation??? Hang in there hon!
Maybe he wants to be a Halloween baby...hahaha. He will be here before you know it, then sometimes you will wish he was still inside (all the late night crying :) Good luck!
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