Friday, October 24, 2008

Kaeden Gabriel

Hello all!!

I'm back, and I'm not alone! Finally, after months of anticipation, our little one arrived! I went in Monday evening for an induction, Tuesday morning started the pitocin, but baby didn't respond well so we had to have a c-section to get him out. Turns out he was too big for me anyway, tipping the scales at 8 lbs 11 oz.

I spent the rest of the week in the hospital getting over the cutting me open part (Kevin watched, he said it was brutal!) and just bonding with the baby. It's been so great to finally have him, and be a mommy. We named him Kaeden Gabriel (like hayden but with a k) and he is the best baby ever! I'll have pictures posted in a little while. Just wanted to let everyone know.


Brady and Jess said...

YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I am so glad he is finally here. I'm sure he was finally worth the wait. Love the name! Can't wait for pictures....Congrats you guys!

Anne-Marie said...

Congratulations!! I've been dying to know! I hope you are feeling well and call if you need ANYTHING!!!! Even if it's cleaning your house. I'll be calling you soon to bring dinner :)

Heidi said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he's beautiful! We wish you a speedy recovery, but lots of bonding time with Kaeden.