Sunday, October 12, 2008

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

Everytime I have tried to call someone this last week, I've had to begin our conversations with "I'm not in labor..." I had to just stop calling people to chat cuz everyone was getting so excited. I've got 20 hours or so until my due date, but there's no action yet. The last doctor visit showed he's dropping, but likes his current surroundings so there's no effacing or dilating yet. Sorry.

I, however, am ready. My bag is packed, the baby's bag is packed, all the baby accessories have been checked off my list, my last day at work was Friday, I'm pre-registered at the hospital, I have a pediatrician - I'm all set, I just neet a baby!

I haven't hit the 'I'm tired of being pregnant' phase yet, but I'm so excited to be a mom, and I want to stick to my date plan - Kevin's birthday is on a 10th, mine is on an 11th, we were married on a 12th, and this kid is due on the 13th - it's perfect! He's gotta stick to the plan... :-)


Heidi said...

He'll come when he's ready. Or when they induce you. :o) I've learned that the hard way. Evening Primrose oil will help soften the cervix. :o)

Anne-Marie said...

good luck with the waiting. that's the hardest part. call me if you get bored with all your "free time" :)

Brady and Jess said...

sorry to be the one to start the call with...are you in labor...he he just so excited too! I look forward to hearing about your appt today. AND I will wait for you to tell me you are in labor or having your baby or had him or whatever:) Good luck!

Brady and Jess said...

ps...i'll keep my fingers crossed he will stick to your plan