Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hmm...let's see

Kaeden is such a great little helper. Usually it's helping me to clean or cook or change 'brother' (as Kai is called) but lately he wants to help Kai as he is playing with more and more toys. It's so funny to hear him talk to Kai as he 'explains' how a toy works. We pulled out the Baby Einstein exer-saucer (because Kai loves to bounce!) and Kaeden had to give directions. His favorite phrase lately is 'hmmm...let's see..." as he makes a choice in something. Can you hear it?

Getting so good at talking!!

With fall comes sports, and our little Kaeden is quite the athletic little guy. He had started to find random items around the house to use as a baseball bat (paper towel roll, bubble wand, etc) so I decided a tee ball set was definately in order. He took to it like a duck to water.

Now when I come home from work he pulls me out back saying, "Side? Ball? Side? Shoes? Pweeese?" How can one say no?!

1 comment:

John and Margaret said...

So cute! Timothy has the same T-ball set, and he's about the same level of ability. I love their joy!