Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just what the doctor ordered...

My poor little man has got the worst chest cold, coughing up a storm and running a temp. He has good moments throughout the day, but mostly is just sad he's feeling poorly. I walked into the living room yesterday to see this...

Takes some talent to fall asleep on your feet like that! Poor kid. Because he's so miserable, I'm coming down with it too, and we're all so freaking hot (113 almost everyday!) we've been going through a ton of popsicles. This morning while pulling breakfast out of the cupboard Kaeden grabbed a package of cookie mix, so I figured we'd change the medicine for these colds up a bit by baking a little. (Heck, nothing beats a good chocolate chip cookie!) Yes it was hot, but he had so much fun being my little helper I didn't care. His favorite is stirring all the ingredients, but he also wanted to put them on the sheet...

and as every good chef knows, always sample what you're baking!

Hot baths help him clear the gunk out of his chest, so we took a bath after. Most of the time you wouldn't know it to look at the kid, but he's got my curly hair. It only really shows when his hair is wet...

And with it getting longer, it's quite the head of hair! (Taury, eat your heart out :-) )

1 comment:

Minnesota Fun! said...

Having sick kids is NO fun. I hope he get feeling better soon!