Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Aha Moment...

Why my students are so wacky -

Scenario #1
Classroom conversation:

In science class, there is a human skull on display.

Students ask about, teacher tells how it is a real skull from the ill-fated Donner Party who almost perished in the mountains. Only survivors resorted to cannibalism to do so. Students grossed out, topic dropped.

Parent phone call:

Mother calls absolutely livid -

"My son tells me that the skull of Jeffery Dahmer is in your science class!! Do you know that human spirits live in the skull after death and his evil spirit will possess the students?! GET RID OF THE SKULL!!"

Teacher tries to explain it's a DONNER skull not DAHMER to no avail.

Scenario #2
Classroom conversation:

Mayan calendar is on display.

Students ask about, teacher explains how the Mayans were great mathematicians and calendar was very accurate. So mathematical that they also calculated that the end of the world would happen in 2012. Students laugh about Armageddon-like end of world, topic dropped.

Parent phone call:

Mother calls absolutely livid -

"My daughter told me that her history teacher is telling them the end of the world is coming in 2012 and how they need to commit suicide. WHY ARE YOU TEACHING SUICIDE?"

Teacher makes mental note - NO MORE ITEMS ON DISPLAY!!


Danielle said...

LOL! Wow... parents are crazy!

Heidi said...

And we wonder why the world is the way it is. What a way to start the school year!!

Nate and Jamie said...

So did these really happen this year? That is crazy! Oh and by the way, I need the recipe for your pasta salad that you brought to my house. Love it! :)

Nate and Jamie said...

On a lighter note, last week one of my 8th graders asked me the thought provoking question: "Why can't we paint the wind?" He was 100% serious too.