Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I've been taking tons of videos of Kaeden, and am just now getting to posting them. I have to laugh, now that I'm editing them for the blog, I've noticed that Kai is sleeping in the swing in the background everytime! Ha ha ha. See if you can catch a glimpse :-)

First video - Kaeden loves our dog Tok, and his latest game is to take the kibble out of his food dish, run somewhere in the house and try to hide them from him, seeing if he finds it. Fortunately, Tok is usually right on his heels and Kaeden never goes far, but it's a different spot each day!

Second video - Kaeden also loves to play with our phones, which is how mine got broken. He gets the broken one to use, and I came out of my room one day to find this...

Think I walk around much while on the phone? :-P

Third video - As every kid does, he loves cookies. So I thought a lesson was in order.

You can't help but love this little guy! He makes everyday things hilarious.

1 comment:

Brady and Jess said...

Those were way cute! Looks like they keep you nice and busy.