Happy Spooky Day! I was so excited to be able to have Kaeden do so much for this holiday (it's my favorite!). Especially since he was sick and missed his birthday. I knew that he was going to be a football player for awhile, it totally makes sense cuz it's his favorite thing. I found a great little generic jersey and shorts, we had plenty of balls to use, and my mom sent him a box of goodies for his birthday, which included a Chicago Bears hat, so his outfit was complete :-)
Kai was a pumpkin, the hat left over from Kaeden's first Halloween when he was a week old (and it didn't fit his ginormous head, either!) He was obsessed with the pumpkins after we were done carving them, so it was a good choice for him, too. As you can see in the pic, Kaeden's was a football pumpkin, and mine was a kitty. Kevin's still sits on the counter, waiting to be carved...
We had spent a few days practicing 'Trick or Treat,' saying it to me, and I even took him outside to try and practice knocking on the door and saying it, but that turned into a driver's ed lesson...
We went to our ward's Halloween Carnival on Saturday. There were several booths of games, a cake walk, a photographer, and of course tons of food. Kaeden was really into the games, and any game that had a ball he was involved in, usually in the way as he just wanted to throw the ball over and over. The only candy he was interested in was a sucker, so I 'held on' to his candy bars while he chowed down on any sucker he could get his hands on. He tried the cake walk, and was confused by walking in the circle, but was all about getting the cupcake with a sucker on it. I graciously held on to his cupcake for him, too. Kai was a hit with all the young women, and he made the rounds, smiling and giggling with all the girls. He's gonna be a heartbreaker!
After the Carnival we went to the parking lot for a small Trunk or Treat. Kai and I passed out the candy while Kevin took Kaeden around. I think it scared him a little, all those bigger kids running around, but he got a decent basket of candy.
Sunday I wanted to take him around the neighborhood, Trick or Treating for real. We went through the day without a nap however, so we only made it down the block 4 houses and he had conked out. Kai was still up, and as they were strapped into the strollers, we walked around the block, visited a few friends houses to say hi, then came home and went to bed.